“Instantaneous” Cancer Healing?

I recently heard about a particular case of healing that is quite remarkable because it illustrates a whole paradigm shift in how we view our bodies…healing itself…and what’s possible for us.

Author Gregg Braden tells of a woman with an inoperable tumor in her bladder who went to a “medicineless hospital” in Beijing where—fully documented by ultrasound—her tumor “disappeared” in less than 3 minutes without surgery or medication.

What “treatment” did she undergo?

She had three practitioners who stood around her and simply held the feeling of a “different way for her to be.”

When Gregg asked what the practitioners were doing, he discovered that they weren’t judging the cancer or the woman, and they weren’t trying to make the cancer “go away.”

In fact, they weren’t focused on the cancer at all!

Rather, they simply held a different possibility, a different reality, a different way for her body to be, and under ultrasound documentation, her body altered almost instantaneously to match that new possibility.

At first this might sound like “magic” or a faith healing that we simply can’t understand and therefore can’t duplicate.  But quantum physics and the language of science are now catching up with the ability to describe such remarkable experiences in ways that our western, more materialistic and “scientific” minds can understand, and this woman’s case vividly illustrates what’s already being understood on the quantum level—that the smallest “particles” which make up our physical universe are really “bits of energy” organized in certain ways—and that at any given moment, there are multiple “possibilities” or “ways” for these quantum packets of energy “to be.”

Sophisticated experiments have already documented that it’s our attention—the very attention and focus of the observers in an experiement—that affects the particular “possibilities” and characteristics that are expressed on the quantum level.

Now we have a living example of this quantum phenemonon on a fully “human level” that affects “real life.”

Interestingly, Gregg asked whether the woman could have achieved this change in her body on her own.  He was told it’s possible, but not likely given the beliefs and thinking she’d been surrounded by up to that point. 

It’s much easier for us to hold a belief when surrounded and supported by others who hold that belief with us.

That’s often what a coach, mentor, or prayer-partner does for someone—simply hold open a door, a new possibility, a new way of thinking and being—that a person can then access and step into.

So what does this mean for you?

As I describe in Your Journey To Wellness, your current diagnosis or condition—your “current reality”—even if given by an expert, is simply a description, a snapshot if you will, of the current patterns and possibility or path you’re living now.

If you stay focused on all the aspects of your current condition, and all the things you “have to do” for it, you in a sense “perpetuate” that particular path and experience for your body and for you.

So how about choosing a new path, a new possibility, a new way for your body—and you—to be?

How do you do this?

Here’s three simple steps you can take right away:

1)  You can begin by allowing for the possibility in the first place…the possibility of a different way for you and your body to be…

2)  Support yourself—and open doors of possibility—by reading and listening to more on this subject…on people who have stepped from one path of experience (e.g., an illness) onto another path (being well), and on the the thoughts and beliefs of those who’ve coached them through this.

You can begin with the different entries on this blog, and you can also read more on Gregg Braden’s perspectives surrounding the above case of healing here.  You may also have a renewed appreciation for the sacred texts of your own particular spiritual heritage and what’s possible “if you believe.”

If you want to step into new possibilities and perspectives beyond what you can see for yourself right away, consider working with a healer, coach, or mentor one-on-one.

3)  Take “life-affirming” steps to support a new way of being.  Gregg Braden points out that the success rate of the medicineless hospital in Beijing is extremely high if the person continues “life-affirming” steps thereafter.

You have many such steps in the Dr. Ben email letter and on this blog, and a great resource to give you such life-affirming steps in both audio and written form is Your Journey to Wellness and The Foundational Wellness Program, two resources I’ve put together to give you a complete guide to integrating life-affirming and door-opening steps into your daily life clearly and easily.

If nothing else, I hope today’s article has opened a new door of possibility in your mind, and that you’ll begin taking steps in a new direction.

Remember, the direction you’re heading is more important than where you are right now…

All the best to you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  I’m currently opening up spaces for two people to coach one-on-one with me by phone this month.  If you’re ready to step directly into new possibilities for your own health and want to see if an investment in yourself like this is a match for you, call me at 1-888-909-6601 for a free coaching assessment.  You may get to be one of the two!

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

2 thoughts on ““Instantaneous” Cancer Healing?”

  1. Keep on shining the light,Doc.
    Alternatives, and direction–

    BZ-Was Military code for well done.
    You rate this one-Keep on keeping on- –


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